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The Cheapest Fitted Carpets and Vinyls in the UK!

Huge selection of beds and mattresses available

All furniture at trade prices for massive savings

Sofas/Sofa Beds


Sofas and Chairs


A deep, soft and extremely comfortable armchair in black faux leather with a hidden secret. A motorised mechanism provides a helpful lift out or relaxing recline position at the touch of a button.

Credit Crunch Carpets Nottingham - Riva Rise and Recline Chair - Black - Carpet Fitters Nottingham

90cm X 84.5 X 109cm H

Too lazy to come in and choose?! Text the carpet line on 07713 339383 telling us what you're after, what room and what sort of colour and price! Then within an hour you'll have a video sent back to you with running commentary! It will be just like the BBC's made it! Just for you!!!